sugar is better than healthy

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Chats with Miles

Well, for the past year or so, I have been posting snippets of conversations I have had with my 4yo little cutie, Miles, on Facebook, or the Book of Faces, as my mom has coined it.  But, I want to gather them all and make them easier to find for my kiddos one day.  Most of these funny convos have happened with Miles, but some have happened with my girls also.  So, join me in laughing as I add them all here over time!

So, here is a little excerpt from our convo Tonight, while I was putting Miles to bed :,polaroid,straw,coke,photog,coca,cola-cb2103e141a1bb87129a4605e0ab5f04_h_large.jpg

Miles: Mama, Daddy gave me Chocolate Ice Cream tonight, and he gives me Candy, and Coke, and all kinds of things . . . but, you like healthy stuff Mama . . .

Me:  mhmm. . .

Miles:  Yeah, healthy is good, but you know what is BETTER than healthy?!

Me:  No, What?

Miles:   S U G A R.  Sugar is better than healthy.  It is sooo good, but it is bad for my body because it can make me sick, but I like it.

#trainemup #theymaystilldepart #atleastheknows #sugarisbetterthanhealthy #daddyisintrouble … lol

2 responses »

  1. Loved! Could be two of my kids!


    • Yes, it was definitely classic! And they are so good at telling us the “truth”…that is, the “truth” as they see it! Oftentimes, I agree with them, with regards to food, but then I know the real truth about food, so it makes it at least a little easier to make right choices! But, it’s still hard to pass up the delicious glazed donuts when they’re sitting in front of me…lol! (I have heard from people that have moved here from New York that our doughnuts are way better though, so maybe that’s why…making excuses helps me cope, I mean *ahem* remain in denial). Anyway, things are so simple for kids!


